Friday, November 22, 2013

10 Tips For New Erotica Authors

I'm a brand new erotica author but I've already found some great tips and advice on Reddit. Here's what I've found so far:
  1. Write often and keep writing. Write more books! Writing more books will increase sales and keep you as an active author with fresh content on Amazon or whatever platform you publish to. Many authors have said they start to make a decent income after 20 or 30 books. Always keep writing and be concerned with character development.
  2. Use very descriptive language throughout the story, especially the sex scenes. Use an erotic thesaurus and/or search for synonyms online to add to the story to describe things differently.
  3. In short erotic stories brief punchy descriptions and sentences can be very effective for maintaining a fast pace and compelling narrative.
  4.  Follow this ratio loosely for your story: Introduction - 15% of content, Main Act/Meat of Story: 80% of content, Conclusion - 5% of content. Remember to include your copyright at the end of your story along with disclaimer.
  5.  Do some editing yourself first by reading it yourself and then listening to your story read back to you. You can download Free Natural Reader to listen to your story. Get someone else to edit your story. This could be a trusted family member or friend or you could pay someone to edit for you. You can hire an editor on Fiverr or Quick Quills Editing.
  6.  If you are designing a cover of your own view these helpful book cover tips on CreativINDIE. Also, check out this article by Scarlet Cox on how to find free erotic stock photography for your cover.
  7.  To advertise your book create a blog/website and start a mailing list. Also, you can advertise on Facebook, Twitter and other social media. You can post to sites like Korner Kafe Exposed and What To Read After 50 Shades of Grey. Get as many recommendations on your book as you can. One of the biggest things that drives sales is recommendations. Get any friends or family that have read your book to post a review/recommendation on Amazon if they are willing.
  8.  Price your books fairly. Some authors have said that .99 cents is actually not a great price point because it might seem like it's not worth it to the reader.
  9.  Use a different font than what is available on your computer on your cover. You can find free fonts or fonts that you can pay for on several sites online.,,, and are a few to check out.
  10.  You will probably get bad reviews, returned books and some criticism from your work. Learn to take constructive criticism and filter out the stuff that really doesn’t matter.

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